
Explain the procedure you would use to properly clean a classroom at the end of the day.?

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A interview question for a job. Need help.




  1. I would give each child a job, tell them they are in charge, of a certian area or item. Example, Jane clean up the blocks, Billy clean up the crayons, Sue clean up the paper, Jack clean up the puzzles, Emily clean up the dolls, etc.

    The kids LOVE this because they are "in charge" of something.

  2. Procedures used 1954 while attending Wichita State University

    1- Empty all trash cans, clean inside if necessary

    2- Read Blackboard - teachers leave you notes sometimes saying DO NOT ERASE je je - otherwise erase, using two erasers from top to bottom - shake at bottom each time and at end shake out erasers inside trash barrel you carry with you

    3- Close windows, dust out windowseal

    4- Starting at the row closest to door, go down isle with dust mup dully cleaned and lightly oiled - mop back isle come back isle closest to window shake mop at fron isle

    5- Go up and down isles shaking mup at front isle when thru clean front isle gathering all, including under teachers desk and blackboard at the front door - shake mop inside trash barrell and comb clean - then with dust pan collect all trash and dust.

    This is just everyday dust and trash mopping you have to consult with custodian as to cleaning with water and wax once a week or??

    Best of luck

    Note: Learned a lot of classical music while doing this job for 4 years without missing a day.

  3. I would get the kids to clean up after their own messes, like putting away toys and washing paint off tables. Then, I would get them to put up some chairs. When they leave, you should take out the trash and recyclables (especially if they did arts and crafts) and do any further touching up if necessary.

  4. I work at a preschool... here's what I do to close down the room everyday (in no particular order):

    Stack the chairs

    Clean the tables

    Sweep the floor (if there is any noticable dirt)

    Take the trash bags out of the trashcans

    Put in new trash bags

    Empty the "wash" "rince" "sanitize" bins

    Close the windows, lock them, close the blinds

    Lock the door to the playground

    Make sure the attached bathroom is in order

    (At the other preschool I was at we had to spray the toys with bleach at the end of the day. Just a general spray in the vicinity of the toys)

    Turn off the lights and go home!

  5. have the toys all packed up correctly .

    empty the bins

    disinfect the tables and anything that should be

    vacoum the floor ,mop if needed

    dust the board ,with a wet cloth better

    then prepare any acctivities for the next day

  6. I teach a 4 year old class and I let the children do a lot of the cleaning for me.  I do not let them use things such as bleach or anything of course but I give each table a certien thing to do such as pick trash up off floor, wipe tables with baby wipe, make sure all toys are in the bins.  Once the children leave I go back and re clean everything but the children beilieve that they did all of the cleaning.  This gives them a sense of accomplishment and also they learn how to clean.

    After the children are gone here is what I do

    1. Spray all toys and chairs with disenfectent spray.

    2. Wipe down tables with disenfectent wipes.

    3. Vaccum and Sweep

    4. Mop if neccessary

    5. Push in all chairs

    6. Make sure everything looks well organized for next day

    7. Turn off lights, lock door and leave

  7. You could- in addition to what all the other people have said also have the children clean the tables with a dollop of shaving cream. My class is kindergarten but they love to do this.

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