
Explain the role of he U.S. in the emerging global community?

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Explain the role of he U.S. in the emerging global community?




  1. That's easy.  The U.S. consumes over 75% of the world's surplus income, making them by far the most most gluttonous pigs to walk the earth.  Their assets are heavily leveraged by debt, which is why the banks are dropping like flies.

    Pretty soon, U.S. currency will be worth less than toilet paper, which will result in the other countries absorbing 75% of the loss in income.  The U.S. market will tumble and crash like a bear down a hill and will take a few of the smaller economies down with it.

    World War III will result as a last ditch effort to salvage the U.S. economy and the entire world will suffer famine, disease, and death, killing 25% of the world's population.  

    That's what buying everything, owning nothing, and robbing Peter to pay Paul will get you in the long run.  It was fun while it lasted, wasn't it?

  2. Quarterback?

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