
Explain the term adaption?

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Explain the term adaption?




  1. An object, in this case being a plant?, will adapt or change to suit their environment. This could be surviving by taking less sunlight and conserving energy or conserving water in roots. Plants AND animals will always adapt to survive.

  2. Its the changes that an organism has to go through in order to be able to survive in its environment such as if an animal is tall(such as a giraffe) in order to get its food from the top of the trees

  3. its when an organism changes to better fit in with their envirement.

  4. When something is adapting, it means that it is better "in tune" with the environment. And Can survive in that particular environment.

  5. Something that is adapting to become better suited for there environment. So a wolf in the winter gets a thicker coat to stay warm.

  6. Adaption is to "adapt" to something.  In other words, to get used to it.  A country girl moving to the city needs to adapt to it.  A person who has never been a vegetarian has to adapt to it.  We are continually adapting to different situations throughout our live.  They say that it is a very well balanced person that can adapt to change.  I have had several jobs over the years and I adapted to all of them really well as I enjoy change and challenge.  The more adaptions you cope with in life the more life skills you will have.  Animals also need to adapt to change and some do not not cope and die.  With our changing climate certain plants need to adapt to unfavourable conditions and some just die.  An example of forced adaptation is genetic engineering.  for example a gene that is frost resistant is put into tomatoes and so the tomatoes grow in frosty conditions quite well.  Hope this has answered your question. Jeremy S has it summed up in a simple term.

  7. I think it is when an animal or plant adapt to their surroundings such as a bear in the winter or a tree in the fall.

  8. adjust to fit conditions

  9. Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation.

  10. I have to look up this for myself....

  11. you mean adaptation? It's when an organism goes through genetic changes to be better suited for their environment. This is better explained by Darwin and his theory of natural selection.

  12. 4. Biology. a. any alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its parts that results from natural selection and by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its environment.  

    b. a form or structure modified to fit a changed environment.  

    c. the ability of a species to survive in a particular ecological niche, esp. because of alterations of form or behavior brought about through natural selection.

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