
Explain this joke please?

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A man walks into a bar, carrying his pet duck. He sets the duck on the bar, and proceeds to order his drink.

"I'm sorry", says the bartender, "but I can't allow ducks in here!"

"But sir", the owner explains," this is no ordinary duck. This is a dancing duck!"

The bartender looks at him with disbelief and says, "Okay, I'll bite. If you can show that this duck can dance, I'll let him stay".

The owner says, "Fair enough. But he'll need something to dance on - a small stage of some kind."

The owner looks around and spots a bucket, tips it upside down, and puts the duck on the 'stage'. Nothing happens.

The bartender says, "Some dancing duck..."

and at that moment the duck begins to dance. He dances forward, then backwards, then in circles,... He's great! The bartender is amazed and says to the owner, "I'll give you $20,000 for the duck!" realising that people will come for miles to see a dancing duck.

"I couldn't possible sell my pet for $20,000"

"I'll give you $25,000 for him!"

The owner thinks about it and says, "Okay, you've got a deal!"

A few days later, the former owner gets a call late at night from the bartender.

"Sorry to bother you", says the bartender, "but I'm worried about the duck".

"What's wrong? Is he not dancing for you?"

"Oh no", answered the bartender, "it's not that. But he just keeps on dancing. He's been dancing for two days straight. He doesn't stop. What should I do?"

The former owner says, "First, I'd lift the bucket and blow out the candle..."




  1. I think this is it - The original owner of the duck put a candle under the bucket (metal bucket) so the duck wasnt dancing, it was moving around on the top of the bucket because its feet were burning.

  2. It's not a terribly funny joke, but the former owner is implying that the reason the duck is "dancing" is because the bucket is hot on his feet from a candle burning underneath it.

  3. Terrible joke no wonder you didnt get it,

  4. There was a candle under the bucket and the duck was dancing because its feet were burning.

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAAA. There's a candle under the bucket so the duck was 'dancing' so that he didnt burn his feet. So if he took the candle out from under the bucket it wouldnt be hot so the duck will stop dancing!! ahaha. good one

  6. that's a reasonable joke I did :) a little, no ha ha's though,

    Your ? to explain the joke, hmm I don't think it is that complicated really, read it to your self again, you might get it.

    Realistically though the candle would have gone out within 5 to 10 minutes under that bucket as they need the oxygen to keep burning.


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