
Explain this please...?

by  |  earlier

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When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.




  1. Show life you are not weak to cry every time it become hard, and make the reasons to smile, be strong and fight for your happiness.

  2. good always outweighs the bad.  For every reason you have to cry, there are 10 reasons to be happy.  Life can't get you down.  

    this quote can be interepreted in many ways, but the idea is always the same.

  3. Pretty much it's saying when things are bad in life, think of the good that's happened.  For every 1 problem, think of something that's happened good.  Kinda like a self motivation quote.

  4. Although there are several reasons for sadness and crying, there are even more reasons to smile.

  5. It just means.....Fight back in so many words some one calls you dumb show them you are smart..... someone calls you blind "SHOW" them you can see...... Do it on your own.......basically...hope i helpd

  6. pretty much when life gives you something to cry about, just remember the many times its given you something to be happy about

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