
Explain this please?

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The caste system in India. How does it work?




  1. The question was asked cuz everywhere where u read its says that they derived from the Aryans...and germanic culture and literature has something to with it..

    Also prolly cuz the swastika was used by the germans...and ppl assume we stole it from them...its the

  2. DYB is right.

  3. This site explains it all.

  4. Please check following links :

  5. Hi,

    The caste system in India basically devided the population depending on their occupation... at least initially ...  the details of the varna (class) and jaati (caste) can be found in the links that the above answer has given.

    A newborn belongs to the caste of his/her father.

    obviously the higher classes got better opportunities in life due to their education .. money etc while the lower classes.. the labour type didn't get the same chances to study, start businesses etc.. so the higher classes got higher education, became wealthier .. but lower classes did not.

    Over period of time.. government gave various benefits to reduce this divide... keeping reserved seats in jobs, colleges.. concesions in school fess etc..

    Current status is such that there are a lot of benefits reserved for the lower classes/castes ..   People produce fake caste certificates to obtain such benefits too..  

    This is causing a lot of unrest nowadays .. because though these reservations made sense in past , now.. caste has literally nothing to do with the person's standard of living ..  and many are of the opinion that benefits should be given to the poor or the ones who have merit .... irrespective of caste ...

    this caste system has been in place for thousands of years.. though the names might have changed over time...

    but I don't think the caste system has anything to do with Germanic tribes.. i wonder why you ask that...
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