
Explain this....?

by  |  earlier

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I have had dreams that have actuly came true.

but lately I've been having these dreams of homicides. I'm the one causing them

funning thing is when i awaken I go WTF then start laughing for no reason

what do you I going insane???




  1. are you under alot of stress?

  2. asking yourself if you are insane is proof that you are sane

  3. you only go insane if you think about allot and you start to give in to thinking you insane. so in the end, its not the dreams that are making you crazy, its your self thinking about it. i did something like this for a phsycology thing.

  4. Some dreams can happen, but a lot of times they are a product of what we watch or listen to all day long - what are your fave songs and shows? Do they talk about things in your dreams?

  5. Nothing so glamorous or interesting I'm afraid. You're just a jerk.

  6. thats creepy!

  7. It is just a dream and will not happen as long as you stay sane! I would not get worked up about it! as long as you keep your eyes on God you will not kill anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  8. do u know that habit builds our character, so develop good habit of normal thinking,next time try to save somebody in ur dream.
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