
Explain this weird thing that happened to me plz?

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i drowned in the summer of 2005 in a swimming pool and it was weird....i stayed like 5 minutes under water on the floor of the pool in a coma until my bro and friend saw me cuz it was night and many ppl and they pulled me out and i had very lil oxygen or none at all and my heart even stopped and i was blue cuz of the lack of oxygen...i was supposed to be dead...i woke up to find myself in hospital and the weird thing is that i forgot that i drowned...i asked my mom 'why am i in hospital? what happened to me?'...why is that? is it because of shock? and something else...i had a dream while i was in a coma....i saw a dream that iam drowning in water and trying to get out but like somethin pulling me back while i was screaming in real as my mom told me and i was really drowned in reality...what does that mean? is it that iam seeing in my dream what is really happening to me in real? does that happen sometimes? explain to me plz




  1. it's not a dream you really know that your drowned, and when you wake up your in the hospital already, i think that's normal.

  2. Hi,

    You are one lucky guy!!...your guardian angel must have been watching over you.

    What actually happens is that when we lose consciousness, the events happening are triggered to our subconscious level, even if we totally lose our consciousness.

    We do our normal daily functioning using our conscious level, and that suppresses info stored in our subconscious level.

    However, when we enter our deep sleep cycle called the R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) sleep, our brain is relaxed enough to let our subconscious level release information which has been triggered to it.

    (but has been sitting suppressed due to the fact that we don't use our subconscious level for routine thinking and activities.)

    So, while sleeping, you probably entered a deep sleep cycle (REM) and allowed your subconscious level to release the triggered events associated to you having been trapped underwater.

    I hope this has helped.

    best wishes.

  3. This was no doubt a very traumatic experience for you. When we experience something traumatic (i.e. car crash, physical altercation, drowning) our body goes into shock. When in shock things that are really happening can seem like a dream. When you lose consciousness it can be difficult to delineate where the conscious shock ended and the dream began.

    You should be very grateful someone knew CPR.

  4. you probably knew you were drowning.. in when you were in a coma you sarted dreaming of it because it was your biggest fear at the moment? sorry i dont really know

  5. when you loose consciousness or are knocked out, you do not remember the immediate events leading up to it. That is why a referee asks a boxer if he know where he is if he is knocked down during a fight, if he does not know what city he is in or what he is doing there the fight may be stopped. Later the memory of what happened may return. When the brain looses blood it can not store the memory of what has happened just prior to the event.

  6. From your story, it's obvious that you suffered brain damage while under water.  Even a minute without oxygen can cause permanent brain damage, and it sounds like you were under there a lot longer.  Frankly, you should just be happy you're alive.  Sometimes dreams are just dreams.

  7. Drowning is a traumatic event and your body went into shock but all the events were recorded in your subconscious for retrieval at a later date.  Your dream was the retrieval of your subconsious recording of the traumatic event.  This happens sometimes.





  8. Well this could potentially be two things. A medical doctor would likely tell you the lack of oxygen brought about those mental thoughts, and when you started to drown you likely realized it. Therefore your brain took that information, and turned it into that dream. The other possibility seeing as you did stop breathing and your heart stopped, you likely were "clinically dead" for some short period of time before you were revived, and some people believe that when you die and come back you can have a near-death experience. In this experience, your soul would leave it's body and can look at the body. So your soul (which is where your memory is believed to be) could've separated from the body and watched the physical body drowned. Then that memory stayed with you after your soul re-entered your body after revival.

  9. It sounds to me like you almost drowned and your brain got fuzzy for a second. It happens.

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