
Explain to me the difference between gender and s*x?

by Guest33608  |  earlier

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Please answer this question without looking anything up or talking to anyone else about it. I want you to define and identify s*x (not intercourse) and gender as you have been taught or as you perceive them. Thank you for your time and input.




  1. s*x=what you biologically are.

    Gender=what you consider yourself.

    A person who is born a girl, but thinks of themselfs as male, has a s*x of female, but a gender of male.

  2. s*x is your physical status of either male or female...that is the actual organs you possess.

    Gender is your mental status of either male or female, usually of course it matches the physical state and a male is a male and a female is a female in both.

    However sometimes it doesn't and it's generally accepted that it has a higher priority than your actual physical status.

    So a person who "feels" they are of a particular gender is exactly that no matter what physical s*x they happen to have been born

  3. What's to define?the gender or s*x of a person is the same thing.Male or female.

  4. s*x is what chromosone you have X or Y. There are two sexes.

    Gender includes hermaphrodites, whether you have an X chromosone but identify yourself as male (and vice versa), and sexual preference. There are anything between three to twenty genders.

    So - s*x is the genotype and gender the behavoir/phenotype (I think)

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