
Explain what an employment is?

by Guest44686  |  earlier

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Explain what an employment is?




  1. The act of using  

  2. Having a job.

  3. when u have a job u r in employment

    and u r classed as an employee by ur employers

    hope this helps


  4. a person who has a job

  5. Employment is an economic reaction where wealth in the form of labor or service is changed into wealth in the form of money or means. You may classify wealth into two broad classes: Wants comprising of goods and services and Means comprising of money and money related forms of wealth. I define economics as chemistry ( study of nature, composition, properties, laws and classification)  of wealth.  

  6. noun


             1. The act of employing.

             2. The state of being employed.

       2. The work in which one is engaged; occupation.

       3. An activity to which one devotes time.

       4. The percentage or number of people gainfully employed: “a vicious spiral of rising prices under full employment” (William Henry Beveridge).

  7. Employment is hiring, commissioning or contracting i.e. one work for another under a contract, a service one does and get paid for it if one lucky.

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