
Explain what happens in the natural environment when a river flows into the ocean.?

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Explain what happens as in the natural environment when a river flows into the ocean. Where would the freshwater move? Where would the saltwater move? Why?

I really don't understand this question, can someone explain it to me please?




  1. This can be seen as a very complex question but I think the simple answer you are looking for is that the fresh water will float on top of the salt water for quite some time.

    Obviously, the force of the river and the resulting turbulence affects how quickly the fresh and salt mix (as does temperature and a lot of other factors) but the simple bit is that fresh water floatrs on salt.

  2. hey miss i am not that smart..even i dont understand this qt. long time had been in school. but geography was my fav subject. i guess the fresh water will move near the shore whereas the salt water will go down deepn in the ocean. that is the logical thing that will happen. was this a trick qt.....

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