
Explain why it is important to examine data objectively and not let bias affect observation.?

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Explain why it is important to examine data objectively and not let bias affect observation.?




  1. Because then you will either conciously or unconciously try to get your observations and conclusions to fit your biases.

  2. The whole purpose of examining data - i.e., the scientific method - is to find out which conclusion the evidence supports.

    It's like examining a junk yard full of trikes, bikes, and cars.  If you went in with the mindset that cars just developed themselves from bikes, you could "find" evidence to support that - a vehicle going from 2, to 3, to 4 wheels, and eventually becoming more complex.  However, if you take all of the evidence, historical and visual, you find out that people developed these vehicles as technology and needs changed and progressed.  The first would be an observation affected by bias, and the second would be an objective observation leading to a viable conclusion.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Pay attention in class.

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