
Explain why lake ontario effects the climate in the cities along its shores?

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Explain why lake ontario effects the climate in the cities along its shores?




  1. Lake Ontario is one of the Great Lakes.  Because of its presense, it tends to delay the seasons in the cities along its shore.  In the spring, the cities are cooler than inland cities because Lake Ontario is still cold from the long winter.  Ice had formed on the lake during the winter and the lake is deep which makes it warm slower in the spring.  Because of the slow warming, the cities along the shore are cooler during the spring.  Conversely, in the fall, the warmth of the lake causes the cities along the shore to be warmer than the inland cities.  This tends to moderate the fall temperatures because of the warmer waters of Lake Ontario and delays the beginning of winter until the lake temperatures cool to the 30's.  

    There is another phenomena that happens in the winter which dramatically effects the cities close to the shore of Lake Ontario and even those cities further inland.  This is the lake effect snow that happens when the cold arctic winds blow over the surface of the relatively warmer lake and pick up moisture.  This moist air is then lifted by the hills and mountains along the shore.  There are some dramatic snow totals that occur based on lake effect snow and this helps recharge the ground water, lakes and streams in the area.  This increased moisture helps keep the region drought resistant and helps the vegitation and growing season for local crops.  The longer growing season and high moisture, combined with moderate temperatures is ideal for grapes, and as a result the region around Lake Ontario has several excellent wineries and grape producing farms.

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