
Explain why policies and procedure are important in a child care and education environment?

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please help as i am stck on my assignment thanks.




  1. Policies and procedures are paramount to ensure quality care and education of the children in that environment, and ensure the well being, in every aspect, of every child. Policies must be sourced from specialist organisations/documents ensuring that the procedures followed are in the best interest of the child.

    Think of it this way - if a situation occurred and it was left to individual staff to just deal with it the way they think best, it isn't ensuring that it will be the right decision by the staff member, which will affect the child, and also leave the staff member open for things such as legal repercussions if something adverse happened as a result of their decision to deal with something in a certain way.

  2. Knowing boundaries and limitations is important for adults as well as children.

    If you are running the child care center, then policies and procedures will let parents, as well as staff, know what is expected, and what will happen. For example, having a "Sick" policy written into a parent handbook will let parents know when their child can and cannot attend daycare (at my center if the temp is 100.5 or higher the child cannot attend). Policies on payments, arrival and departure times are also important. Having these written will let parents know what is going to happen and why.

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