
Explain why polluting the environment is bad/good.?

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Now, only people who write their answers in rhyme count.




  1. Dear friend,

    Forget about rhyme. I just want to create an awareness. Let more people read it. this is a very thought provoking question.

    imagine you are in a lift and another person travelling in the lift burns 2 cigars. He harms and causes discomfort to himself and others in the lift.

    imagine the whole world as a lift, and there are some people polluting the air and water in it in many different ways. The physical discomfort is a minor suffering............. the major impacts are alarmingly dangerous.

    They cause the global temperature to rise, causing the polar ice to melt and submerge many a lot coastlines, killing and displacing millions of people. You find more tarnados, more cyclones and very eratic rain pattern. There is a major change inclimate, chnaging the social and economic lifes of pepple.

    Can we accept it. Now you know the answer.

  2. Because we want to survive, still see the fish in the oceans and the birds in the sky.

  3. Pullution is good,

    it kills the wood

    and keeps the fires down.

    Pollution is bad,

    it makes people sad,

    and then the prom queens frown.

  4. Dear, To harm the environment is only bad.It can never be called good in any kind of way. There are only side effects about it listed below:

    1.The air that you are breathing today is also polluted,the number of  diseases will increase tremendously.

    2.the petroleum will get estinguished

    3.the ozone layer will deplete even further causing more problems of catarct and cancer.

    4.Dear one,to use paper bags instead of plastic will be better,

    Save Our Planet earth.

  5. is dumping garbage on your living room floor good or bad ?

    why would it be good

    why would it be bad

    Now imagine the same thing outside

    the same answers apply

    only bigger and everybody  is affected ,not just your family

  6. Polluting's not good,

    but zero emissions are worse.

    The first robs the environment,

    the second empties your purse.

    Who wants carbon credits

    and taxes or fees,

    when not all nations participate -

    such as the Chinese?

    Carbon dioxide is real bad,

    a scientist said in his paper,

    while overlooking the biggest GHG

    known as water vapor.

    Our growth-based economy

    requires spend and consume

    so we're polluters the moment

    we exit mom's womb.

    Sure we should reduce polluting,

    like littering and illegal dumping.

    But until it makes financial sense

    it's oil we should keep pumping.

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