
Explain why residents of a community may be unhappy when land is set aside for endangered species?

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Explain why residents of a community may be unhappy when land is set aside for endangered species?




  1. Two basic reasons

    1. Greed- the Eorocentric idea that land is to be owned .

    2. Christian Dogma- That man has dominion over the earth and all its creatures. That the land is for the use of man as told by their Death Cult god.

  2. Unhappy is hardly the word!  As the law stands today they pretty much take over control of your land, as much as they choose.  Farmers hate the current law.  They openly discuss how it is better not to report, and just let the critter take its chances.  I see their point.  I think the law is badly, written and badly administered.

  3. Because they want to tear it down to build their precious mini-malls with lots of fast food restaurants and a Starbucks.

    Edit:  Sorry CoupStickBoogie, but the bible does NOT say to rape and ravage the land. People do this all on their own.   At worst it says to "subdue" it..and it also says that we are "stewards" of the land, or something to that affect.

  4. Because they need something to B**** about:)And that must be the new thing happening right now:)

  5. Because they are ignorant species (humans) not all of us but the ones you are asking about mos. are !!!!

    They forget that we are all apart of this planet , they don't see past themselves!

  6. like always, It never makes sense when environmentalist shut down the land. Environmentalist should go to prison for telling lies in the court of law

  7. All too often these lands set aside become a financial burden on the communities.

  8. if land is set aside for endangered species lets say 10 acres in a subdivision for the eastern bluebird.great bird nesting boxes built and a big media hype.What happens in the next few months that nice little area becomes a dumping ground for all the people in the neighbourhood old mattresses,fridges stoves and who knows what else because it is easier to dump it off than to take to landfill and pay tipping fees.It becomes a makeshift landfill and open your eyes people it happens all over the place I'm sure stuff like this is in your local media vacant lot abandoned home it seems overnight it becomes a dumping ground.NOW I AM ALL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF ANY SPECIES BUT PLACEMENT MUST BE KEY AND FUNDS MUST BE ALLOTTED TO THE SERVICING AND MAINTAINING OF SAID LANDS

  9. It's the type of people that bother me.  Ones that are greedy and vain, only wishing for themselves.   You could remove all plans for any expansion in the entire world and it would suit me just fine.  Anyway, it will all come to a catastrophic END sooner than anyone expects.  And to this I must say, Thank the Gods of the Ancients, the Sun, Wind, Water and Land.

  10. Good ?, Folks  do get upset when they have to change their lifestyle for something they see as irrelevant, like a moth, bird, or flower... they just do not connect the dots...

    one possible soultion is to start a community "green" campaign.. there's many county,city,state programs with money for Green activities... recyle trash, gardens, trash pickup ect... try a word search or your city's public library 24/7 answer line.. youll be talking with live people that business is to get you the info that you are looking for. i'd suggest starting small.. giving out resuable bags, little notices on ways to save $, fixing leaks, unpluging items that you are not using Cell phone chargers... you can also contact the local rubbish collection site to get there input, same with the water treatment site, and water conversation... perhaps the first thing tddo is brainstorm.. you can make a difference... i've even heard of a communtiy block program whereas folks receive live beautiful (hanging) plants and garden supplies... have fun

  11. Too often, the endangered species act is being misused by groups to push their political views on everyone, and not to protect animals.  Polar bear populations have increased by over 20% in the last decade or so, but environmental wacco's who don't want us to be able to utilize our own resources, get people to believe their lies, and say that they are in danger to push their agenda.

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