
Explain why the kitchen light becames a bit dimmer when a toaster is turned on?

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Explain why the kitchen light becames a bit dimmer when a toaster is turned on?




  1. thats bcuz toaster eats up a lot of current the moment its turned on. so, less current goes to all other devices in parallel.

    the same happens when u switch on ur monitor. the room lights go dim momentarily.

  2. Because your house is incorrectly wired. The cable is of too small a cross-section for the loading. Sockets and lights should not be on the same circuit  anyway.

  3. Both of the things you had on were getting their power from one source, so most of the power was going to the light before hand but when the toaster came on some of the power had to go somewhere else so the light wasn't getting as much as it was when it was alone.

  4. this also happens to me when I use a hair dryer, but it is opposite...the light gets brighter while I use it...

    must just be the reaction of the two different electrical items using the same electrical section of the house...

  5. The light and the wall socket for the toaster are probably connected together, sharing the same wires that go back to the circuit-breaker (or fuse).  Those wires have resistance.  It's not much resistance, but there is some, there.

    When you use a high-power device like a toaster, it draws lots of current.  About 10 times as much as the light.

    Ohms law says that when you have resistance (wire) and current passing through, that a voltage is generated.  When you have lots of current (used by the toaster), you get more voltage.

    So, the voltage at the circuit breaker might be 120Volts, but it will be less at the light or the toaster because of the IR drop (current multiplied by resistance).  When the toaster is turned on, the voltage drops, so the light gets dimmer.


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