
Explain why the science of economics is intimately involved with topics such as politics, war, the environment

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Explain why the science of economics is intimately involved with topics such as politics, war, the environment




  1. Because economics is the study of human preferences. It has ramifications in all things.

    Supply and demand are present in all human affairs.

  2. b/c the economy it's self is tied to these things.  

    Politics = through tariffs on trade, one country or another can increase the imports/exports comming into and out of there country.  Trade embargo's like what america does to cuba can complete stop trade with a country which hurts little countries Along side embargos, sanctions on a country stops alot of imports from reaching other contries similar to how america put sanction on iran.  Also things controled by the FED can have a huge impact on the economy.  Now we are in a ression and FED keeps lowering the interest rate.  this causes people to save less move, and also to take out more loans to boost consumer spending.

    War = impacts economy b/c money used by the gov't is diverted to going to pay for a war.  also goods need in war skews suppy and demand.  and example of this is during WW1 when the us gov't was using all the steel to make bullits thus the price of steel went up.

    environment = i would think this impacts it with "carbon foot printing" and the need for corporations to lower this.  in order to lower the CF of a company, they need to introduce new technology that save enegery and reduce emissions, this cost money and they coporations move this cost onto the consumer, but raise prices

    these are my examples and there are about a million more in each topic.

  3. Simple answer and also a famous epoch,

    The Golden Rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules

    Replace gold in this sentence with money or wealth for further understanding.

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