
Explain why we have day and night on earth?

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It's part of my science revision.. and I really don't know?

please help :)





  1. Explain why we have day and night on earth?

    * t is the rotation of the Earth that causes day and night.

    * The Earth rotates counterclockwise; thus a person standing on Earth sees the Sun rise in the East and set in the West. The Earth rotates toward the East and so, to the people on Earth, it looks like the Sun is moving towards the West. In fact, is the Earth that is moving. A good metaphor for this is the merry-go-round. When you’re riding on it and look out at the people standing on the ground, it looks as if they are moving, but in actual fact, you’re the one who is moving.

    * The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours and takes about one year (365 days) to revolve around the Sun.

  2. Light from the sun falls on one half of the spinning Earth. This half has day. The other, darker half has night. As the Earth spins, we move through the light, into the darkness, and back again. This makes day and night. Half of the Earth is always in the light and half of the Earth is always in the dark. The Earth is always spinning and that is why it is always changing.

  3. The earth spins like a top and the Sun is only on one side.

  4. It is simply because the Earth rotates on its axis. As it does so, it presents one side to the Sun (which is day), and the other side is in the shadow (night).

    The Earth rotates every 24 hours (within a few seconds), hence we have a night and day cycle.

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