
Explain your eyes! Answer! :]

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what colour an shape are your eyes? do people compliment your eyes a lot? are they noticeable? do u flirt with your eyes? do you have a penetrating look? do you have long eyelashes?

explain your eyes!

put ur signs 2??

my eyes are big, round and dark brown. people say i have a look in my eyes that makes them trust me! my eye lashes are long.

aquarius w/ leo rising

tell me about u.




  1. My eyes are a very light green.. the color looks soothing.. haha..

    My eyes are almond shaped and a lot of people can see my emotions through my eyes even when my face is perfectly calm. My eyelashes aren't too long but they're average.. they're thick.. Yes, people compliment my eyes a lot :D I don't flirt with my eyes but they do look penetrating..

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

  2. 1. My eyes are blue and almond/oval shaped, cat-like.

    2. Yes, people compliment my eyes a lot.

    3. Yes, they are noticeable.

    4. I don't know- I don't really concentrate on how I flirt, I just do it in the moment. And I flirt differently with everyone, it depends on who they are. But I guess you can say I use my eyes lol

    5. Again, I'm not really sure if I have a penetrating look. People have said I do.

    6. Yes, I love my long eyelashes! They are like my favorite feature on my face.

    7. I'm a Virgo with Virgo rising.

  3. my eyes are very round, and people often tell me i look like the Grudge. lol(cuz of my long black hair and 'evil' looking eyes). idk that's messed up that my friends would say that. lol

    they are dark, almost black. i have mastered the art of smiling with my eyes lol! so its easy to tell my current emotions by peering into my eyes.

    they have a gentle, but aggressive look to them, and my mom usually thinks i'm angry at her because my eyes have a natural quirky 'slant' to them. ^_^ they really accent my face, and tell every emotion that i am currently feeling by shifting or widening. they make my face really expressive

    cancer sun

    aries rising

    edit: actually, my eyes look EXACTLY like the eyes on my avatar. you know...without the blood running down them ^_^

  4. what colour an shape are your eyes?

    Answer: Dark brown and it's a walnut shape.

    do people compliment your eyes a lot?

    Answer: nope

    are they noticeable?

    Answer: Yes, cause they're small.

    do u flirt with your eyes?

    Answer: Yes indeed.

    do you have a penetrating look?

    Answer: You tell me. ;)

    do you have long eyelashes?

    Answer: nope.

  5. i have almond shaped eyes. they are brown. when i get mad, they turn lightbrown/hazel. i was told that i have the model "look". i have long eyelashes to go with them and people are always complimenting me on them.  

  6. My eyes are bright blue with a little light brown around the pupil. There big and round. People say I look innocent. My eyelashes are all different lengths, like a camel lol! I flirt with my mouth, I don't know about my eyes.

  7. my eyes are big,not round kinda like chinese but still american, there  dark blue with white lines, some people say it looks like my eyes have lightning in them and that they love my eyes.  My family says that when i smile my eyes smile too

    im a sagitarious too

  8. I've got big wide blue eyes and long lashes. I've also noticed that sometimes the colour of my eyes changes from light blue to a deep blue from time to time and people say my eyes are really nicely coloured and that they're my best feature =]

    Virgo with scorpio rising

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