
Explaining circumcision to a child?

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I know a lady who has an uncircumcized little boy. He's about 7. He asked his mom the other day why his p***s was different from the other boys he knows. How should she explain it to him?




  1. 7? She should first address why he knows what other little boys' penises look like.

  2. She should just tell him the truth that some people think God wants them to cut a bit of their little boys willy and some people do it for health reasons.

  3. try these sites.  it explains circumcision in fairly simple terms with some illustrations, and explain to him why you didnt have it done to him.. he will understand.

  4. she has to tell him something, not saying anything is far worse, he may assume he was born defective or abnormal otherwise

    he's already seen you can be healthy with a f******n so those excuses won't work, she has to lie, otherwise telling him the real reasons would be devastating, probably why we still circumcise in this country, we keep trying to protect the current generation by telling them it's good while harming the next generation by doing it to them

  5. I'm surprised she hasn't talked about it by now.  At seven, it's very likely that his f******n is retracting and, if so, he should have been taught to pull it back to clean underneath while bathing.  

    It's pretty simple to explain.  Some parents think it's important, for religious or health reasons to have their child's f******n removed.  Some don't.  We are all different in many ways.  This is just one of them.

  6. Just tell him that 80% of the world is intact and as nature intended.

    Also say that when the other boys were born they cut part of the p***s off.  Also tell him that there is no medical reason to get circumcised and it is actually damaging:

    Most, if not all of the few studies showing a prophylactic benefit to circumcision were flawed.  You can get an unbiased view of them here:

  7. He is olld enough to know that stuff. She needs to tell him

  8. How about the truth???  Explain it is a medical procedure that some people have done to their sons to remove the f******n.  It shouldn't be a big deal having that conversation...keep it simple and to the point.

  9. Explain that it's a type of surgery some parents get for religious reasons or because they think it might be better for hygeine, then have her explain her reasons for not doing it. It's a good time to remind him that everyone is different and it's OK to be different.

  10. She should tell him that some people have sick and very selfish tradition that can cause great trauma or even death of a baby boy.

    He is very lucky to have a p***s that wasn't cut because that is the way that all penises should be unless a grown man wants to make that decision for himself.

  11. I live in the midwest and work in the medical field. We see this a lot around here where almost all boys are circumcised. Those boys that aren't feel different and are sometimes teased. At his age, the only thing he will understand is that some boys are and some aren't, and it doesn't matter.

    By the way, I'm not some extremist wacko like a few others on this board. I have no religious or cosmetic reasons for my decision. I'm simply current on the studies that show a lessor chance of urinary tract infections and STD's, especially AIDS, in circumcised males. That is why all four of my boys are circumcised.

  12. some times other parents want there kids to be circumcised which means the extra f******n that you have to pull back is cut.

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