
Explanation of The Ghost Writer? :) Pls and Thanks!?

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Okay, I just finished reading The Ghost Writer by John Harwood but I am completely baffled. Like I don't really understand it, well I do but there are some loose ends. I think that the book should of continued a little bit longer to explain some stuff...

So my questions are:

-What was up with that ghost - Alice/Anne/Abigail

-How did Anne die and why are there no records of her death? It said that the machine had been killing her for 6 years!?

-Why didn't Phylis die from radiation too? Did Phylis kill Anne?

-What happened to Gerrard in the end?

-Why was the ghost of Anne haunting Gerrard?

Okay so obviously I am lost so any help will be very appreciated. It was a really good book though... I just hate it when it's so unclear!





  1. Here is my interpretation:

    Anne put the X-Ray machine in the head of Phyllis' bed so that Phyllis would nuke herself unknowingly whenever she was in her room and had her light on.  Anne would know (from seeing the light on under the door) that the machine was on and could avoid her room.  However, the lightbulb was missing from Phyllis' lamp.  So Anne "thought it was safe" as she says, to sleep in her room which she does.  Phyllis meanwhile, sleeps in the attic.  Anne is radiated.  

    As far is if Anne is an actual ghost or the scarred "ghost" of her former self, the book remains unclear.  She seems still alive (sending emails, keeping the old house up, etc) but seems to disappear down the stairs in the fire.

  2. ok so my answer isnt going to help i just have more questions because i dont get why she hated her sister so much that she sleeped with her sisters boyfriend and gave her cancer. it just doesnt make since to me that someone who do that with out having a major reason that should be explained in the book. also the whole the ghost is alice/ann/whatever the best friends name was, was very confusing and what was with the ending where the fire starts and the ghost just goes away he goes out the window and boom, book is done. this book has to many unanswered questions and is driving me crazy!

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