
Explanatory paragraph example?

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  1. Explanatory paragraphs explain a process in a step-by-step progression. The classic example is: How to make a peanut butter sandwich. So don't do that one, but some other process you can describe in an orderly fashion.  

  2. things that support your main topic. lets say you are talking about how milk can be an ingredients for other products. an example of that would be cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

  3. You want an example, here's a good one:

    The reason people post questions on YA is to get some good answers.  But, they have to pay 5 point penalty to do so.  Let's hope that the answers given will resolve the question.  But, it's not a total lost, because if the questioner picks the "best answer" then they get a reward of 3 points, so the lost is really only 2 negative points.

    That's they way the game works on YA!

    How's that for an "explanation", which is what an explantory sentence is about?

  4. It is obvious, pick a topic and explain it in a paragraph. That's it.

  5. Open the manual for your computer.Try re-stating the paragraph that tells you how to boot it up. Say it in English sentences that a native speaker who is reasonably intelligent could follow. Sometimes a bad example teaches more effectively than a good one.

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