OK, so this could take some time to explain, I'm a complete girly girl, I love pink and my room already reflects that, I have hot pink walls, flowery white curtains backed up with pink sheer, and a cute daybed with pink and white bed linen. Thats just one side of me though. When it comes to the stuff I'm into is like completely different. I'm a big fan of music, and I guess most of you people think that I listen to like Miley Cyrus or stuff like that, well the only thing that I listen to that reflects that side is the Jonas Brothers, everything else is kinda indie rock, and punk. I was wondering how i reflect that in my room without spending a bunch of money and without re-painting or changing the curtains, like is there anything that i could do for like deco that would express the other side of me.. if you have any ideas please answer! Im open to all suggestions! Thanks!