
Expressions of Interest in a ONE WORLD A GOVERNMENT !!?

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We are seeking expressions of interest in setting up a One World Government, we are seeking members, supporters and sponsers to be able to start this organisation.

Anyone can participate within this org, but no religiouse beliefs will be excepted, these must be left at the door along with your shoes.

The purpose of this Org is to look after Planat Earth and all things within it.

Kind Regards

Ron J. Duck

Founder and self proclaimed

President of the Planat.




  1. In a very loose sense we have one world government  within the UN. This was set up to get people world wide into the habit of thinking in terms of maintaining world peace, looking after each other across borders, etc. There was at the time a very good reason for avoiding centralization of authority. Few if any countries were willing to even consider giving up any of their sovereignty to a world government.

    Even large multi-national blocks like China and Europe had serious qualms about accepting centralized authority.

    Mostly, we have serious doubts that a centralized world authority would be as effective as national or state governments would be. Too many are the risks that wrong directions will prove to be disastrous.

    We also harbor too many doubts about the cultural diversity of the world, and the difficulty in getting anything close to agreement on a wide range of issues. And we surely do not want to be ruled by a lot of foreign thinking bureaucrats. Particularly important we did not wish to give up our right and ability to defend ourselves against both foreign governments and foreign military.

    Fear of having to give up local language, culture, religion, self government, things we have killed and died for, would have been insurmountable hurdles.

    There is not a good reason to take this issue to a vote quickly. We still have a lot of the same concerns, whether justified or not.

    One of our strongest fears is religious conflict, national conflict. and yet we are not yet able to act as though all religion is just one, or that mankind is really one nation. We are making progress on both fronts, but we are decades away from having that a general feeling.

    So, one world government should not be pushed yet. Let's learn to respect and care for each other first.

  2. One World Government can be achieved if people will only have one religion, one economic system and one political system.

  3. SIGN ME UP!

    It's got to happen sometime, so we might as well start in a small way now.

    Two or three hundred years ago there was not much of the world's surface that had not need gobbled up by power hungry intividuals or groups to form nation states, without any motive but their own greed. These nation states fought with each other because there was no rhyme nor reason for them to live peacefully together.

    I doubt that this anomally could survive for another two or three hundred years without something drastic happening.

    The idea of the United Nations is to foster peace and human wellbeing in the world. But there are many beurocratic, and other problems to prevent this goal, at least in the forseeable future.

    But the UN is all we have at present, and we should give this organisation all the support we can, and do our best to expose and recify the inhibiting problems.

    The world is getting smaller, with fantastic technologies for enhancing travel and communications, not to mention global finance and the global market place.

    The only global thing missing is the free movement of people to anywhere in the world that thay want to go. This will have to happen someday - my best guess would be in about 50 years. (Then there won't be much need for nation states.)

    The whole process may take 100 to 150 years. It will probably come about in stages, starting with groups of countries, like the EU, NAFTA and the African Union. And these blocks may eventually constitute the Security Council in the United Nations.

    With a bit of luck the United Nations may be able to survive this long if it's not scuttled by the United States. US power will get less and less as the other big counties develop, so they'll have to do it soon, or hang in there. We need to watch this UN / US rivalry carefully to ensure the UN survives.

    So Ron Duck, despite your egoistical pretenions of proclaming yourself president of the Earth, I'm with you.

    Let's start mapping out what a future world government would look like, and plan the likely steps along the way.

  4. How?

    Decode this lyrics " Yesterday once more"

    "We are the world"

    "One moment in time"

    "The morning after"

    "Moment of glory"

    " Under the same sun"

    "Wind of change"

    "Star on 45"

    "Colour of the wind"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

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