
Expressive langage disorder?

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Haven't noticed it until recently (about a year or so ago)... but I have a hella hard time trying to describe things to people (could range from anything) and I also have trouble remembering and recalling certain words.

I looked it up and found expressive language disorder, and it describes me perfectly -- I can understand language much better than I'm able to communicate. It really starts to annoy me like on tests or papers, I can never think of what to write, or recall that certain word that would be perfect for explaining my sentence. I end up just freezing up.

I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about it, I'm not terrible at school, but I'm not the best either -- I struggle mainly with math, I like writing much more, but it gets difficult for me sometimes when I have to explain things using good vocabulary..just cant do it.

The only thing that puzzles me is that people with expressive language disorder seem to REALLY struggle and school, and theres also symptoms in there that I don't have.. so could it be something else? or am I just overreacting? <--- 17, in highschool.




  1. Okay I got the same problem until I found the solution. The reason I had a language disorder is cause kids in school picked on me everyday. They still are since 5th grade but I developed patience and no fear. People might be picken on you in school too. My solution was find my inner happy place. Sounds weird but seriously try it. Use music, friends, or what ever you like. ALWAYS have hope in yourself. Give up hope, then just forget about being a success. Also patience is one of the biggiz. Do NOT let anyone break you emotionally. Also fear is nothing but an ability that is stupid and you should forget. Its not only an emotion. Fear your whole life then whatcha gonna achieve? And like they all say, think before you speak.......that helps just gotta master it. Try talking to a mirror to yourself. Sure helped me, sounds stupid but it helps too. I still studder but not as bad as before and I am 16 and in High School also. I hope this helped. Also NEVER EVER think negatively about yourself.........its really hard not to do so but DON&#039;T DO IT. Leads to suicide and other horrible things. Always think positive.

  2. It doesn&#039;t sound like expressive language disorder to me.  Perhaps you&#039;re not the most articulate fella around... people do have weaknesses.  I wouldn&#039;t worry about, and if you are having a hard time dealing with it, ask your guidance counselor.

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