
Expulsion from school??

by  |  earlier

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okay the second week of school i got suspended for fighting. Then a week later i got into a fight out of school. With the same person, So they decided well ur gonna get expelled one of you has to go , are they aloud to do that? and another thing they said that since I'm expelled i can't go to a different school, that i have to be home schooled or expulsion classes. Are they aloud to do that?? Can i fight it?




  1. Yes, they have a right to do that.  Check your code of conduct manual, it will give you the details.

    With school violence on the rise, schools are cracking down on don't have the right to fight or threaten other students there.  If you did that as an adult (got into a fight with another adult), you'd get thrown in jail.

    In pretty much every district that I'm aware of, your only choices are homeschool or expulsion classes.  The school is completely within their rights.  

    If you try to go out of the district, the new school will get your records and see that you were expelled for fighting...since you're not in your own district, they don't have to accept your enrollment.

    Also...the only person will only get punished if they were actively involved in the fight (i.e., threw the first punch).  If it's fairly clear that they were defending themself, if you threw the first punch, they will probably get off with a warning.

  2. did they expell the person u were fighting with, if not, FIGHT, go to court

  3. sounds right they can keep you out of the district try a charter school they except anyone

  4. They are within their rights.  School is (supposed to be) about learning, not fighting.  Why not try homeschooling, then you can focus on your studies instead of fighting.

  5. i think they haver to expell you both and you can just go out of your district

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