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well you see here's the story, like 3 year ago, it was when i first started doing x and other types of drugs. and then i got caught and sent to rehab and so on, when i came back, i did good, you know in school trying to be responsible and all that, and now im caught up in all that again, i've been smoking allot of marijuana but thats not my problem, you see on friday, i took two pills, one in thwemorning, and i felt it go away around noon and i took another, they were bart pilss they said they were really strong, and then maybe around 3 or 4pm i felt i was coming down, i know the side effects and all that, but i got so sick this time, i really never gotten this sick and i've been high for2 days and today will be the third my pupils are dilated all the time(of course less then on friday)...i don't feel that sick today, and im not high all the time, sometimes i feel like i reach my peak at differnt times a day, and then it goes away ,should i just let it pass up or what?




  1. dude get new friends and just say no to drugs

    think of this you may get some bad x one time and it will hurt you or even kill you

    i know i wouldn't want any chemicals in my body made from someone that dont have a high school diploma let alone a college degree

    alot of dangerous ingredients go into making extasy

    find some narcotics anonymous program in your area and let your parents know you need help dont wait till you get caught again  

  2. um

    sounds like you have a HUGE problem..ive never understood why people have to constantly be high whats the point in doing drugs? are you that depressed? go see someone or take some anti-depressents! get some help dude.

  3. let it pass, try eating some healthy filling foods!

    and drink water

    o and what were you doing on pills in the day time?

  4. The cat girls funny. "Why would you take drugs for depression? Take some pills" haha


    Just take it easy.  
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