
Extacy sick?

by  |  earlier

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My friend took extacy at 4:30pm. she only took one tablet. it is now 11:45 and her heart is racing and she was shaking. we are trying to keep her calm now because we don't want her blood pressure to go up. is there anything we can do, any home remedies or anything. is this something we should worry about. what should we do




  1. Thats why i stick to good drugs like coke and weed. X speeds up your heart and heats up your body which can kill you. There is really nothing you can do but wait it out. However you might wanna go to the doc if this goes on cus its really easy to OD on X.

  2. NO get her to an Emergency room NOW don't worry about getting in trouble her life is more important DO IT NOW ..

    also even if there was a remedy you dont want to try it because it might interact with the extacy and cause her DEATH

    dont fool around bro take her now or call 911

    im not joking ...

    do it now !

  3. It's pretty normal, but you're doing a good job keeping a close eye on her.  Have her drink water, not too cold and have her take deep breaths.  She's probably dehydrated.

    If her heart doesn't stop racing soon, take her to the hospital just to be safe.

  4. keep her hydrated dont give her too much water though! take little sips every couple minutes and i would suggest you take her to the doc! everytime i did xtc i would get to that level at my peak but i would usually come down after 7 hours. it sounds like she needs to go to the hospital.

    and coke is good but not good for your heart either! stick with weed
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