
Extended Breastfeeders?

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I just have a few questions, my daughter is 6 1/2 months and I'm entering the "WOW, you are STILL breastfeeding??!?!?!" comments from people.

How do you handle such comments? They seem to be from close family members (who didnt breastfeed at all or for very long) It makes me sad to think that people dont understand that I'm not just feeding my child. Breastfeeding goes far beyond 'just milk'

Does your child 'ask for it' and how and what age did they start asking for it?

thanks :)




  1. you should have stopped a realllly long time ago. they wouldnt be asking for it if you say no and start them on something else. 6 1/2 months is pretty crazy!

  2. My son is pretty much weaned and he is 32 months old!! He just crawled up in my lap and started to undress me himself until he was about 18 months old and learned to say "nite-nite". Then he would walk up and  say "nite nite" and start to lift my shirt. About 24 months old he finally learned to say "nite nite mamma please". Once I started weaning he would walk up and ask to nurse....If I said no he would look at me and say "little taste" and "need some".

    I think it is absurd for people to start asking breastfed mom's at like 6 months when they are going to wean. I would NEVER dream of asking the mother of a bottle fed baby when she is going to take the bottle away and put that poor child on a sippy least not under a year old. It makes me mad when they do that to me...I kept my son out of the hospital several times during gastrointestinal  bugs by nursing him.

  3. I didnt breastfeed my son but I find that annoying that people would make comments about you breastfeeding and at only 6and half months!!!  everyone loves to throw their 2 cents in about feeding kids!!! you need to do whats right for you and your baby!  I am pretty sure you will work out when is the best time for you to stop!!!  just keep going with your jokes...thats a good one to shut em all up!!  and trust me, i have probably copped more shiit for bottle feeding my lil man than you wil for breast feeding!! good on you though and its fine to let people have it  when they are really sticking their noses in it!!!  good luck

  4. Well done you for giving your baby the best start! I could applaud you I really could!!!

    Do it for as long as you want my dear. Eventually solid foods will have to be introduced if they're not already. However giving your baby something so nourishing and good can never me a bad thing.

    If someone stares ask " Do you want a taste or are you just being rude?"

    If someone mentions something point out the longer a child is breastfed the less likely they are to be obease, succumb to cot death (sorry to mention the nightmare of mothers but breastfeeding does make a difference to this), also your child will have a kick *** immune system.

    You go! And enjoy these special moments.

  5. Truthfully, my doctor said I didn't even have to start solids if I didn't want to.  He said breastmilk had everything my baby needed for the first 12 months.  I get those same comments, and I just tell this to my rude friends.  My baby is on some solids, because I want him to sleep through the night.  My son cries at my feet and then goes right for my b*****s whether they are covered or not when I pick him up.  Good for you for breastfeeding still, and just ignore those people.  Breastfeeding is sooo good for you and the baby.  And it burns so many extra calories.  Enjoy this time.  I think I might actually go to 18 months with my son before I try to wean him.  A Lot of women quit when their babies get teeth, or when they go back to work, because breastfeeding can be hard work too.  You are doing GREAT!!!!  Pat yourself on the back because you are sticking it out where others failed.

  6. My son is almost 10 months. He 'asks for it' by crawling up to me saying 'mama' over and over and if I'm not fast enough he'll start undressing me himself (no one warned me about this!) He's got the latch on my nursing bras figured out!! I know exactly what you mean about the family...I used to get offended bc people act overly shocked that I'm still was like they didn't think I'd stick it out....but I believe in what I'm doing for my son by breast feeding..and for my saves gives him the gift of's easier on us when we travel...and it creates such a unique bonding experience that many moms won't get a chance to experience. Congrats to you for breastfeeding!!

  7. I breast fed my daughter until she was 2 1/2 before she was forced to wean abruptly.  My ex husband decided to kidnap her and by the time I got her back over 2 months later my milk had dried up.  I used to get comments from my mother-in-law that I was trying to "force my daughter to breastfeed".  I tried to explain to her that it was good for her but she did not want to hear it.  So I would just tell her to basically mind her own business.  My daughter never got an ear infection until she stopped breastfeeding and never really got sick either.  I would just smile and tell those people sorry but it is none of their business.

  8. no this is not wierd at all breast milk is everything a baby needs for the first 6 months and afterwards you can start weaning it onto other foods

    you can keep breastfeeding for the fist year as well as solids to give the baby everything it needs

    your family are the wierd ones not enough parents breast feed its so important for a babys health

    just tell them that its a personal choica and just because it didnt work for them dosnt mean that you want your child to miss out on all the benefits of breast feeding and thatnk them for their concern and say its none of their buisness

  9. Don't you hate that? They make it sound like you're some sort of weirdo or freak. Don't let it get to you. My fondest memories of my children are from my 'late' breastfeeding days when they could really communicate with me. They could all make it quite clear that they wanted the breast from about 9 or 10 months and were absolutely hilarious once they could walk and talk after 12 months or so. IIRC, their first words were all something to do with milk or b*****s.

    As you've said, you're not just feeding your child. Nothing else gives such a  wonderful sense of closeness and it will just get better for both of you over the next several months. Stick with it!


    Sorry, I didn't actually answer the question. There's actually not much you can do except explain once and thereafter simply smile and say nothing. Nothing you say will change their attitudes in any way and unfortunately, it will only get worse as time passes.

    When they ask bluntly when you're going to stop, just say that you've never heard of a mother going to school at recess to breastfeed their child and don't get any more specific than that. They will eventually come to see that nothing they say will stop you and they'll give up.

  10. I breastfed my son until he was about 10 1/2 months. I got those comments but they were more well done than shock.

    I only stopped as my son started to self wean and then one day he just didnt want it any more. I would have probably continued until he was about one then tried to wean myself so it worked out pretty well for me.

    Keep going as long as you wish but do keep in mind that they will have to stop eventually and it is a good idea to have a plan for weaning them whenever you feel comfortable to do so.

  11. i don't beleave there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding for healthy baby its recomended to breast feed up at least 12 months.

    i whould if i was you tell these people that breastfeeding is the best and healthest choice for your baby and it is also is a great way to bond with your baby.

    and you could also point out

    breastfeed babies

    :Tend to have higher iq's,

    :Settle and sleep better,

    :Less likely to get colic,

    :have a stronger immune system,

    :you lose the 'baby fat' faster,

    and the best bit there vomit doesn't smell like formula fed babies!

    :its cheaper,

    :and always warm and ready when you need it.

    :and there are many more good points about breast feeding that i'm sure you know of.

  12. I stopped breast feeding my son a few  months before he turned 2 years. Long some say, that's ridiculous others would say, but that was my personal choice and for those who frown on it, take your opinion to someone that gives a dame. I know what is best for my son and no way or how, anybodys negative opinions going to change that. 6 1/2 months is around the time a baby has started to explore solids. And it would be crazy to stop breast feeding so early.

    Yeah my son would tap my breast and say booby. I understand what you mean, it's that connection you feel. Like how they stare into your eyes all lovingly and sweetly. Makes you feel closer and a stronger bond.

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