
Extended warrantys for TVS is just a scam agree or disagree???

by Guest58622  |  earlier

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warranty's from best buy , circuit city,..........




  1. I fix TV's for a living--all day every day.

    I don't like telling a customer that it will cost $600 to fix their 14 month old $800 TV.

    People need to be realistic.  These tv's are hundreds of times more complex than "dad's" TV was.  

    LCD flat panels generally have three components.  

    1)The power supply Depending on the brand thi part causes the least damage to the wallet  $150-$350

    2)  The digital main  This dual layer circuit board has ALL of the video proccessing--system control and audio circuitry.  In other words this one 12" sqaure circuit board does everything that 50 pounds of components did in the 70's miniturized to the point that it is not repairable---in the home.  This one hurts.  Part costs no less than $350 and as high as $800.  Most between $350 and $600.  BTW these prices do not include labor and trip.

    3) The LCD panel.  Recently some manufacturers have made a couple of components that only came as part of the panel (tcon--T control cba and the inverters) which can be an affordable repair--in the same range as a power supply--but if they are not available----hold on to your ankles--any panel--any brand--will cost as much as, and usually more than the price you paid for the set--again--does not include trip and labor.

    I am pro extended warranty---and heres another reason why

    When the customer calls with the symptom (a very accurate description please---not--I don't know--wife says it looks funny)  I bring the part along on the first trip that will fix the set.  If its OOW (out of warranty) then I will have to go there, verify the diagnosis and give the customer the estimate.

    Hope this helps

  2. I disagree.  With the price of the television, you can think of it akin to have your car insured.  I have worked at Best Buy for almost 4 years now.  We do not go more than a week without going out to someone's house to fix a problem covered by our Performance Service Plans.  Were it simply an extension of the manufacturers warranty I would agree that it is a rip off.  But the manufacturer only covers against defects, while MOST major electronics retailers cover a multitude of things that can affect the television.  The only thing not covered by the ones Best Buy offers is physical abuse and damages.  It covers surge protection, dust, overheating, even wear and tear.  I did capitalize MOST, for there are companies out there, K-Mart being notorious, that have horrendous Service Plan options.  However if you are shopping at a store like that for a purchase as big as a television you are most likely buying lower end products anyway.... I digress.  I highly urge anyone buying a television to think about the Service Plan, the cost on some replacement parts alone are twice the cost of the plan itself.  Be sure however to obtain a hard copy and read it over before purchasing, if there is anything that seems iffy make sure it is explained to you in clear terms.  If the sales associate can not explain it do not trust the retailer.

  3. I would have to agree with that most of the time.  When you buy a TV something goes wrong either right away or after several years.  If something goes wrong right away just bring it back and the store will replace it.  If it is after several years chances are either you won't know where that warranty is or it will be out dated.

  4. As a rule I shy away from the extended contracts, however there are some exceptions.  Small electronics, phones - things that may be dropped, sometimes I get the plans and I have used them.  As for a TV it depends.  You could try to justify the cost of repairing it (new TVs are more expensive to fix than the old ones that would just need a new tube or something)  versus the cost of the plan.  Also if it breaks in 6 months, what are your options ... you may have to ship it back to the manufacturer if there are no authorized service centers in your area.   We just bought a new TV and opted for the plan because it really only cost about $5 a year, a small price to pay to have someone come to our house if something goes wrong.

  5. I agree!

    I never purchase the extended warranties.

    If manufactures can't build a quality product, why should the consumer pay for their shortcomings.

    I don't feel it should be the consumers responsibility to ensure their work.

    If I buy a product from a manufacturer and it goes out on me, I just won't ever buy another product from that company or manufacturer again.  They lose my business, which is how it's suppose to work.  

    I think we need to put the responsibility back upon the manufacturers. Having us pay the responsibility for their lack of quality and workmanship is crazy.

  6. I look at it this way...These stores wouldn't offer these extended warranties if they didn't make money on them.  

    I think it pays to do a little research first.  First look at exactly what the agreement covers - in writing.  Don't take the salesperson's word for it.  Take the agreement home and read it.  Typically you have 30 days after the sale that you can still activate the plan.  

    For example, on some plans there are is a certain number of pixels that have to be dead on a TV before the plan will cover replacement.  If that number is 10, and you have 9 right in the center of the screen, you have to wait until another pixel goes out.

  7. I just wanted to say TV made now bite. The old ones lasted 20 plus years now they seem to last 6 or 7 but the new ones are the price of the repair. If you can get one on craigslist it may be even cheaper.

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