
External Hard Drive Help Please?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 500gb hard drive connected to my computer, all working until I just turned on my computer, and my computer just does not "see" it.

I have checked the USB plug and its not come loose and I have restarted my computer and it is still the same.

I have a shortcut on my desktop and when I click it it just says problem with shortcut.

I have been into device manager and the hard drive is not there on the list either

Any help is greatly appreciated




  1. Has the hard drive been pre-formatted. Some come like this then they just plug and go, no problems. Some do not so will require formatting through device manager (if it can see it). I had a problem with an ICY-BOX drive, never worked on my PC but fine on the one at work. Go figure! returned and bought a different make and no probs.

  2. did you turn the external drive's power on?

  3. is it present in my computer if not do a system restore to about a week ago

  4. Try moving the HDD into another USB socket. If that fails try taking out the printer temporarily just to see if the HDD is working at all. There could be a problenm with your mobo due to the amount of peripherals your using.

    You could try looking on the companys website to see if any windows patches are needed?  

  5. Hi paul, does the drive come with any software, presumable installation Cd. Not all External drives are "plug and go"

    EDIT: ok, is there a light on the external hard drive by any chance, if so does it light up. (If you haven't got a light turn it on and hear if the drive makes any noise)

    if not the plug might have been fused. Just replace the fuse and see what happens

    EDIT 2: do you have another computer/laptop. If so try the Hard Drive on them and see if it gets recognised.

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