
External speakers and my iMac?

by  |  earlier

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I have the new iMac, intel processor, aluminum and glass body, etc. After we get our basement remodeled (turning it into a living space, office and my bedroom) I'm going to invest in a nice speaker system for my room. Something that will envelope my room in pure epic metalness XD. Anyway, how will I go about connecting speakers to my iMac? It has very simple slots on the back but it still confuses me since I'm used to the PC layout of things. The speakers will most likely be logitech (top rated on newegg by over a thousand people) and will probably include 4 satellite speakers and a subwoofer. So how do I connect these things to my iMac?

Also what does a subwoofer really do for the sound? Extra rich bass? Where would be the best place to put the subwoofer?

How does this sound system look?

500 watts on the sound system? Don't most home computers (like my iMac) have only 300-400 watt power supplies? The speakers must use an external power source?




  1. Your headphones jack on the back is your sound output.  Plug the speakers into this jack (it's usually a green plug).

    Subwoofers can play lower sound frequencies than normal speakers.  The best place for them is on the floor, actually.  The vibrations they send then go through the floor instead of being overbearing at head-level.

    Most speaker systems nowadays use external power.

  2. mate i ure a sucker for mac and im wondering when u relise macs are useless plus a mac cant even use that intel cpu right anyway did u no that it can only use 70-80 of its power plus it isnt always bout power when u buy speakers mate u need to get one with large drivers coz there the ones that give u brill sound dont go for power go for speaker size ok

  3. You should be able to connect it to the headphone port on the back of the computer, though you may just want to get a 2 speaker system

    That speaker system actually has 5 satellite speakers and a sub (the thing on top of the sub is a center speaker)

    Being that I have a similar speaker set, I know that you need a surround sound card in order to get all 5 speakers to work, there should be an "external source/MP3 player" connector on it that should work on the Mac, but keep in mind you will only get sound comming out of the left and right front speakers, the left and right rear and center speakers will not get a signal and therefore not make sound, I don't think the surround sound card will work on the Mac though (the surround card requires a PCI slot and compatible software), look for a USB surround sound card that is compatible with those speakers if you can, otherwise, you may be better off with a 2 speaker system of similar quality

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