
Extinct bird species?

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does anyone know any species of birds that have been extinct or are endangered because of the loss of wetlands and coastal wetlands? or a good site that has good info. about this..

thanks : )




  1. dodo.

  2. Extinct bird species?

    does anyone know any species of birds that have been extinct or are endangered because of the loss of wetlands and coastal wetlands? or a good site that has good info. about this..

    thanks : )

  3. Waders are declining worldwide at an alarming rate.  Hence conservation groups concentrating on wetlands.  Species in rapid decline include the Red Knot, Nordmann's Greenshank and Spoonbilled Sandpiper.    

    Despite this decline, countries like South Korea have made things even worse.  The completion of the 33 km seawall at Saemangeum in South Korea has destroyed 40,100 ha of tidal-flat and shallows - an estuarine system which was the most important shorebird site in the whole of the Yellow Sea, formerly supporting internationally important numbers of at least 17 species of waders (including several globally threatened species).   And they still don't know what they're gonna do with the land they've drained!!

  4. Sorry, not off the top of my head but I just wanted to say it wasn't the dodo.

    The dodo was a forest dwelling bird, living nowhere near wetlands and was wiped out by human hunting and feral interlopers (rats, pigs, etc) that were introduced by humans.


  6. Light footed Clapper Rail

  7. I live in Florida on the east coast where we are trying to save the last of the Scrub Jays....I hope this can be achieved as there are many that could care less as the land could turn a profit, but what of the birds. Will it come down to having to take my grandchildren to a large caged area to one day view the only birds left?

  8. I don't think this bird is extinct... but if you see it...

    thwack it with a shovel and put it out of its misery

  9. Dodo
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