i had my daughter on june 15. and since birth i notice a little hard lump on one of her rib bones on her lower right side but it was so little sometimes i didnt notice it i thought i was just imagining things. when she was 2 weeks old i had to take her to the ER for her breathing (we live in SAC and that is when we had all the fires, so the smoke was affecting her) and they did ex rays and never said anything, all though i forgot about that too, more worried about her breathing it slipped my mind. so at her one month appt. i remember about it and asked the PED to look at it. she said it was extra calcium built on her rib and gave us some oral vitamins for her to take to try to absorb it up. (am breastfeeding her). well now she is 2 1/2 months old and it seems just to get bigger with her, instead of decreasing. i have an appt. with the doc in 2 weeks, but im scared. is it really an extra calcium build up? or something else?