
Extracted tooth help

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i just got it extracted about 2 - 2 1/2 hours ago and its still bleeding .. lightly sometimes then it picks up and goes back to normal is that normal ? and i havent swallowed in 2 hours because i refuse to swallow my own blood .. any help ?




  1. It is normal to ooze blood from an extraction site for a few hours following an extraction.  I hope your dentist gave you some gauze pads to bite down on...these need to be rolled up and placed over the extraction site with a litle pressure.  If you start to swell, alterate an ice pack 10 min. on 10 min off.  DO NOT smoke or draw from a straw.  This can disturb the clot that is, hopefully, forming and give you a dry socket, which is quite painful and u will end up in the dentist chair again.  

  2. use crest pro health toothpaste and anelectric toothbroush and chew eclipse gum when u r bored. when u r brushing ( 3 times a day) be careful on that spot. turn ur toothbrush off when u need to brush that spot and also it doesnt matter if u swallow ur blood because u already have blood in your stomach it is not like it is bad for u . if it is till bleeding the next couple days

    go see your dentist and ask them wut to do

  3. its all normal. the socket can bleed up to a day. its fine.

    Dont smoke for over a week, drink or eat anything from a straw, dont have any alcohol for up to a week or 2 and dont eat on the side of extraction for about a day or 2.

    Have soft foods if its easier for you and tomorrow morning (or in 24 hrs of extraction) rinses with warm salty water every 2-3 hours for about a week. this will help clean and heal the socket.

    The socket may be tender and sore for a couple of hours or days and thats all normal. Panadol or whatever you take will help.

    If you feel any extreme pain call the dentist straight away

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