
Extraordinary rendition - heard of it?

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I found it shocking but everyone I've tried talking to about it hasn't heard about it. Why didn't this make bigger news?

So to clarify my questions are -

1. Have you heard of it?

2. Why didn't it make bigger news?

and feel free to pop your opinion in.




  1. I take it you don't mean the film. I don't know enough to give you a quality answer. I can say though, I feel it's the media who are being suppressed and also apathy on the part of the public. Since most people know that Guantanamo practices highly illegal methods, this is just another 'branch' of the Bush administration acting like war lords under the guise of peace and safety.

    I saw a CNN (don't laugh) documentary on this and it was aimed at duping the public. Has America never heard of the Geneva convention ? I'm all for terrorists getting what they deserve, but at what cost ? It's easy to say you shouldn't believe everything you read, with Bush, I think not.

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