
Extraterrestrial Life?

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I am doing som research on Extraterrestrial Life, can someone help me:

Explain how the science of astronomy is being validated, updated, and perfected by continuous astronomical research, and how can someone relate this to speculation about extraterrestrial life?




  1. With technological advances that are enabling us to see more and learn more about astronomy, it was only inevitable before scientists accepted the idea of other life must have sprung up somewhere else in the universe.  The math is in favor of extraterrestrial life whether it be intelligent, celluar, bacterial, extinct or advanced.  Theres just so many stars and systems out there that we know nothing about, we really dont even know a great deal about our own back yard!

  2. Indentifying more about different types of waves in other corners of our galaxy & the Universe is helping us in finding more habitable earth-like planets. Also we've been sending radio waves in search for anyone who catches them. Organisations like SETI ( Search For Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) has been trying to catch certain peculiar waves which can be suspected to have come from any et lifeform. This will enable us in future to know more about our intergallactic frnds and about our place in the Universe.

  3. I don't believe we're alone in the universe and it is possible that we were created from another species, who was created from another species, who was created from God. They may have impacted this planet with a mineral filled smoothie of an asteroid to allow for natural means of terraforming the planet. I mean, we humans are cloning and creating new life forms from science now, right? Looks like we're on our way to having another species ask the same question about us. Take the following facts recently discovered and form your own conclusions . . .

    If you want to see the offspring of extraterrestrial interference in Earth evolution, you don't have to break into the X-files or start watching late night crazy-person public access. You could be looking at one in the mirror.

    Early in Earth's history the surface suffered a heavy hail of meteorites. This is usually bad news for any life forms in the vicinity (if you don't believe me, just ask a velociraptor), but since even DNA was only a gleam in the ocean's eye at the time the space-rocks weren't a setback - in fact, they may have delivered vital ingredients to the rich pre-life soup on the surface. From the evolutionary point of view, the idea of off-planet assistance isn't just possible, it's sensible - after all, a wider galaxy has a better chance of coming up with the correct chemical cocktail than just one otherwise unremarkable mud ball.

    Now scientists have proof that this is possible. A collaboration between various US and European institutes has proven the presence of vital nucleobases in the Murchison meteorite, an extraterrestrial rock fragment which impacted Earth in 1969. Nucleobases are the very binary bits of DNA, the base pairs that make up the vital genetic information. Uracil and Xanthine are the two most exciting components detected. You might not recognize them from the famous GATTACAn roster of Guanine, Adenine, Cytosine and Thymine; this is because Uracil is Thymines stand-in when RNA is created, and Xanthene is a mutated form of Guanine. So for those of you who like things in headline form: "Mutant DNA from Alien Space Rock found."

    These bases are unquestionably alien - for one, the rock-chemicals are equally left and right "handed" (a property of the physical structure of the chemicals), while the Earth-borne biological equivalents are either one or the other(sugars are right-handed, amino acids are left-handed). Even more fundamentally, the carbon atoms that make these chemicals organic at all are a space born isotope, the not-so-unlucky Carbon-13, while life on Earth is based on Carbon-12. The elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen - all crucial to life - are also found in roughly the same proportions in comets and human beings.

    Strikes of such substances early in evolution may have played a vital role in the development of Earth biology - and with these precious particles literally falling out of the sky, the odds of life off-planet seem better than ever.

  4. Of course I do. WAYYYY TOO MANY people have seen them or photographed them. The number of cases invoilving human interactions has been steadily increasing. Some of us call these people "Kooks", but think about this:

    You can call them KOOKS all you want to....but when these "Kooks" show up in the emergency room and other medical research centers claiming that they have Alien Implanted devices inside of them, it's time to sit up start taking these claims SERIOUSLYYYYY.

    Since the 1980's HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE have had electronic "objects" surgically removed from their bodies. Many are implanted in the arm, shoulder or foot. Some of these objects are on display in a museum in California. Some of them have been turned over to government research centers. These objects have been carefully studied under the electron microscope and determines to be transmitter devices which might have the capability to transmit signals so that they can be located by extra-terrestrial life forms. These devices are made using what we know as "nano technology" ...meaning they are MUCH too small to have been produced using present day human technology as we know it. These are transmitters no bigger than the size of a BB or a ladybug. Not suprisingly.....MANYYYY of these same people have reported being abducted numerous times and have had medical "experiments" conducted on them. Numerous women also have microscopic scars on their abdomens and have had eggs removed from them. Numerous men have had sperm samples surgically removed.

    You can come up with a hundred LAME EXCUSES for how or why you think this is fake.....but medical researchers and American scientist are baffled.

    Crack a book at the library or do a Google search using the words "Alien Implants" if you don't believe me. Then be afraid. Be veryyyyy afraid.

  5. 1st I feel that there is extraterrestrial life and I feel it's just a matter of time before it is found, however, I feel that it may not be as intelligent as us!  There are, in fact, many, many scientists who are out there doing research.  There is a person whose name is Seth Shostack---who, I think, is, or used to be, the head of SETI---but what he's looking for is extraterrestrial life that is much smarter than us.  It is a given that he feel that most other astronomers feel that "life" may be found on other planets, however, it will not be as intelligent as us!  It will be something like microbes, or some such bacteria, etc., etc.
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