
Extreme feet aching! Advise and suggests wanted.?

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Let me explain, i have a job and can be on my feet 4hours a time without sitting down,

after 1-2 hours my souls of my feet will begin to throb in pain and agony. it does increase in pain longer i stand up,

It isn't my legs or ankles, specifically the base/souls of my feet.

When i sit down it aches so much more but after sitting down for 10minutes it feel so much better! but to recovery my feet fresh id have to sit down around 1 hour!

Ive had this all my life and i have no idea what it is =/

I have been to the podiatry (foot specialists) they said I'm not flat footed and drew around my feet on paper and sent of for insoles that didn't work -.-

I'm not been soft or anything, it hurts so bad i cant stand still longer than 1second lol so if I'm on till I'm always walking up and down looking for things to do like putting baskets back.

Apparently my Biology teacher said i have bad circulation cause my hands are usually purplish at school, but are normal at home which is also odd.

lol anyway, if you ask a question ill reply in the addional details.

Thanks alot.




  1. Gosh. I am so sorry for your pain.

    I too have some bad feet but nothing like yours.

    I try to put cushioned things under my feet, rubber mats, and flat cushions like they put behind bars, for bartenders.

    I soak my feet in hot water. I rub my feet. I change socks and shoes often.

    I take coated asprin.

    Moving around sounds like a good idea.

    I am also going to pray for you. I will pray you get relief. I am not a big believer in that stuff but I will try it for you.

  2. I'm glad to hear that after an hour you feel completely refreshed. I have some suggestions:

    1. ALWAYS, and I do mean always wear very comfortable and supportive shoes. Shoes that feel soft inside that are cushiony and also have a thick supportive sole. Stay away from sport shoes such as nike, new balance ect... as these shoes (especially nike) can be very hard inside. Especially stay away from "running shoes" as they are designed to be stiffer inside and harder on the bottom to last through hard impact from running. I would personally go with a good "walking shoe". Feel it first inside. If it doesn't feel really soft, cushiony and supportive while pushing down on it with your hand, it's definitely not going to feel good on your feet with (especially with all your body weight pressing in). Personally, I use easy spirit, but looked up the men's shoes in that brand and couldn't find any athletic ones. I would go with a propel walking shoe. They may not be the most stylish but who cares, COMFORT MATTERS! : ) If you want to look into these shoes more, I suggest going to propet's website. I know they are also available in the JCpenney catalog and online store.

    (Item #: NT 016-2123)

    2. Where thick supportive socks. Red Wing makes some great supportive ones that are made with a lot of thick padding and special support. Go 1/2 a size larger in your shoes to give extra room for these supportive socks as they are very thick. Red Wing also makes insoles that nurses (both male and female) swear by, but I have never personally tried them.

    3. Any time you are walking (even around the house on carpet), wear supportive socks and shoes. This will not only help to support your feet, but your back as well. Because I have trouble with my feet, I've even learned to wear thick cushiony flip flops in the shower because the tiles on my shower floor are very hard. : )

    4. If possible, try to find an office job, not sure how old you are but I assume you are in high school, since you talked about your biology teacher. Even for guys your age there are jobs telemarketing, that you can do sitting down. If your afraid to quit, don't worry, I've been there, I used to work retail where my responsibilities included putting clothes away all day on hard lanoleum floors and it killed me! I told my boss I had a foot injury and that I was really sorry because I liked the job but I just couldn't be on my feet that much any more. Don't feel like a softy, some people just have these problems and if you don't take preventative measures now by staying off your feet (especially if you work in a place with hard floors), it will only get worse!!!

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