
Extreme pain in right thumb traveling up to my neck...?

by  |  earlier

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Often, ( About once or twice a day) I get this pain under my right thumbnail, that actually makes me jump because it's so sharp and sudden. Then after a few seconds of the pain, this spot on the right side of my neck, under my chin, starts hurting the same way. What on earth could this be?




  1. My first thought was some sort of nerve pain, but it sounds like it could also be a precursor to a heart attack. Even though it's not on your left side I would tell your doc and get a heart work up.

  2. It does sound like a nerve problem.  If this just started recently, it's possible you could be getting shingles there.  I had it along that nerve and I felt a sudden and very intense pain in my right thumb and it went up into my arm.  It wasn't long after the pain started (maybe a week) that the little blister-like rash started breaking out along that area.  And it hurt long after the rash went away.  

  3. you might want to have a doctors do x rays because you could have a nerve trapped or pinched somewhere or a pulled something somwhere and i wouldnt know where to start.. like do you crack you knuckles or neck or back or any of those areas.. thats something you need to check

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