
Extreme phobia that I have to get over! Help!?

by Guest33836  |  earlier

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When I say that I'm scared of airplanes, that's an understatement. For some reason, I'm terrified of the thought of flying, although I've done it once before (12 years ago) when I was a teenager and not afraid of anything.

For most of my adult life, though, I've had this phobia. I'm not afraid of heights but I am a little claustrophobic.

Used to be, I'd have at least five airplane-tragedy related dreams a week, whether it was crashing with me in it, crashing with me watching, catching fire, something ... The dreams have cut back, and so I thought I was maybe "over" this fear.

So my boyfriend and I booked a trip to DisneyWorld for us and our kids (5 and 17 mos.). Now, just thinking of getting on that plane (non-refundable tickets) with my kids makes me physically ill and just completely terrified!

I want to get over this really, really badly, because I know that, statistically, planes are much safer than cars.

Any words of advice?




  1. Talk to your doctor. You can get something to help you relax for the flight and you can enjoy your vacation.

  2. This doesn'tseem toto me like a extreme phobia but good judgment and common sense. I was on board one that had a electrical fire about three hundred mile of the California coast  and untill we landed I never knew how good concrete and tamarack could feel.In addition the crash trucks screaming down the runway alongside the plane as it landed did nothing to reassure me.

  3. Dont worry baou t*t . You'll be fine just  keep telling your self that .  

  4. Go for it for the sake of your family.

    Everything will be fine. Have a great time.

  5. I would stick it out and get through it.

    You're never going to conquer your fear by doing nothing.

    I'd get on that plane and stick it through.

    Best of luck to you.

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