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do you go to any extreme saving tactics to save money using anything bazzare???

not just turning lights of and only using what you need...i mean crazy little things you do?

thanks x x




  1. I have a habit of bulk buying when food and other products are half price.

  2. I wash with cold water, I clean the house using cold water and minimal chemicals.  I don't flush the toilet every time I use it.  I make recycled paper logs for my woodburning fire.  I'd love a compost toilet but my husband won't agree.  I try to be frugal and it means we've paid our mortgage off in 12 yrs instead of 25.

  3. Every time I spend cash, I never spend the change it goes in a pickle jar.  Budgeting is the real key, and making yourself follow it.  Being debt free is also a great way to save money, some say it is even the best way to save money.  If you want something radically different read Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover"

  4. I think my first principle is to measure my income by net and not by gross income.  It seems almost human nature to define income as the gross not the net income.  May have something to do with ego.  The danger in this "gross income" approach to personal finance is that you open yourself to more discretionary buying.  Examples:  buying a family motor vehicle without regard to real need for a replacement.  A home renovation that makes no financial sense.  A new kitchen for a 100K home could run 20 percent of the value of the property.  It just does not meet the "common sense" test.  My view is that these large purchases are more family budget critical than shopping price on a box of breakfast cereal.  But, a solid marriage in which there is general respect and agreement about money issues is the most important issue.  You cannot think savings before thinking about feelings of your entire family.  A selfish member in a family of four can be budget buster.  Even if it is the "baby" of the family who seems to know her special clout to smile for a toy or dress!    

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