
Extreme shyness with girls ?help ?

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Now people I am really shy around girls. I like girls a lot but never have the courage to be able to talk to these beautiful creatures

trust me this aint the average shyness but it is too much. I cant look girls in the eye and speak to them Trust me I am 20 years old and have never in my life talked with a girl one to one for more than two minutes

Its not how I look I am quite good looking (not boasting just telling so that you dont think I am ugly so maybe thats why I am shy) girls do try to talk to me and there is one hot girl who said " why are you so afraid of me, I wont eat you up'

what can i do to overcome this ?




  1. the only way to overcome it is to make yourself do it.

    im going through the same thing though. only with guys.

    we're all just people. we're all the same. some just come in prettier packages, but that's about it.

  2. im 14 and have the same problem......grow some balls dude

  3. you and i must be twins. im trying to overcome this problem myself. I hardly ever look girls in the eye. I think a good thing for both of us to do is bite the bullet and just talk to them. other guys do it so it cant be too hard.

  4. Pick one girl and stick with her. You need somebody to help you along but what you need is a lot of backing by yourself. When you talk to somebody constantly and whatnot, you'll get used to their presence and it'll be a lot easier.

    I had to overcome being shy by just going for it. I was seated next to a girl on my bus on high school and I had liked her for months. It took me four months to say, "Hi." Just don't worry about what comes out of your mouth. Practice.

    Also practice in front of a mirror. I know it'll seem crazy talking to yourself, but it helped me.  

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