
Extremely important answer please?

by Guest64841  |  earlier

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My mother in law has a 3 year old german shepherd she has had him since he was a puppy he has always been sweet tempered and vey hyper and last night for no apparentent reason he became very aggressive he was growling at evryone and showing his teeth he was acting so odd no body could touch him. Does anyone know what could cause his kinda behavior? Please help we dont wanna have to give him away but we dont wan him biteing anyone either any suugestions?




  1. Idk... rabies, epilepsy, mating season, I'd just take him to the vet if i were you.

  2. Take him to the vet. It might be that he's in pain or that something else is wrong with him, causing him to act aggressively.

    Hope he gets better.

  3. We had a beagle one time that did the same thing.  It was the sweetest dog - (also about three years old)- loved people and then one day, like a switch turned on, it became aggressive and even tried to bite me.  Took him to the vet and the vet discovered that the dog had developed epilepsy.    We kept the dog for a couple weeks more, but the condition was too bad so we had to put him to sleep.  Hope your outcome is better than that.  Good luck - John

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