
Extremism and realism?

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Extremism and realism?

in ur definition what r they?




  1. Extremism would be those that take a position on global warming far from that presented by the Working Group 1 IPCC report on the physical science basis.  The IPCC report is the cumulative effort of 619 respected climate scientists from all over the world.  It's a consensus effort, meaning extreme statements were removed so that all participants could agree.

    So an extremist would be a person that said the IPCC report was too extreme or not extreme enough.  A realist would be someone that says the IPCC report is reasonable and probably quite accurate.

    10 M sea-level rise this century = extremist

    No sea-level rise this century = extremist

    0.5M sea-level rise this century = realist

    +6 C warming this century = extremist

    No warming this century = extremist

    1.8 - 4 C warming this century = realist

    Al Gore is right about everything = extremist

    Al Gore is only in it for the money = extremist

    Al Gore got the basic science right in his movie = realist

    We should stop all petroleum use = extremist

    We should make no changes in petroleum use = extremist

    We should invest heavily in new clean energy sources and transition out of a petroleum based energy system = realist

  2. Extremism implies some thing far from the norm.  In the case of politics we have extremists at both ends of the political spectrum, Right and Left.  The Left would include Socialists and Communists.  Examples would be Stalin and Mao Tse-tung.  The Right would be Fascists and n**i's.  Examples would be Hitler and Mussolini.

    Realism usually means the absence of abstractions, including spirituality.  That makes it more limited in a sense, but not as limited as Naturalism.  The difference is Naturalism excludes everything except what is directly observed (does not include what can be imagined)

  3. So extremism is global warming alarmists.

    Realism are deniers who want PROOF first, which by now should exist after all of this effort, but truly does not.

    That is unless you take a poll.. lolol

  4. Exttremism = Global Warming

    Realism=Political Grandstanding
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