
Extremly stubborn Taurus? arrghhh please help?

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How do you get a stubborn taurus to soften up and listen to what you have to say???

my mom is taurus and she never takes my advice about stuff i know would help her if she just listened. also since shes my mom, if i ever want to go anywhere or do anything she always says no, no matter how much i beg.

please help




  1. Taurus are earth and fixed sign. So it is natural for them to behave like what you describe. To change them or their opinion, why not consider a more intelligent way of approaching the matter.

    A personality is very complex. It can be broken down into different signs each represented by a horoscope signs to describe those signs. Understanding the Moon sign would be a good way to know what your mom is thinking inside to her and find out the right way to communicate.

  2. Reading this link - I think if you have some background music going when you talk to her (something she likes) and have all your reasons, explanations, and suppose this and suppose that issues all worked out ahead of time, she may be able to decide in less time.  As you can see, she comes by it naturally, so she is not being stubborn because of anything you do.  She was born that way.  Work with it by being prepared.

  3. taurus has a talk is cheap attitude when dealing with the every day matters, so instead of trying to ram into a brick wall trying to convince her of something let you actions speak louder than words, taurus needs PROOF of something in order to believe.

    may sound silly, but also just by doing nice things for her and keeping her generally happy that eternally loyal, loving, protector will want to go out of her way to make you happy too doing what ever that entails...

  4. you should make deals with her,

    like you'll do certain chores for her if she'll let you go there.

    and talk to her about how she can trust you..

    that's what i do with my mom to let me go places.


  5. Tauruses are renowed for their inflexibility and innate stubbornness, this being a fixed Earth Sign. The more you push her to do someone, the more she is likely to put up her resistences and not do anything, like the proverbial Bull who digs his heels into the ground and refuse to budge when forced.

    From personal experience, this is one of the signs that is least likely to learn from past mistakes and the only time when she can learn to see things from others' point of view is when she hits a personal crisis that is so overwhelming that it forces her to do away with the old, established way of doing things (be it a health, financial scare etc). So in a nutshell, i think only she herself has to be willing to want to change. I'd go easy on the arguments and stay clear of those whenever a conversation seems headed that way.

    Unfortunately, no matter how much we love a person, there's just so much we can do and we're responsible only for our own lives. So if i were you, i'd just go about and do my own thing and not let her decisions interfere with mine. It's rare that a parent agrees completely and goes with the flow...but do not let that destroy you emotionally or spiritually for they were also brought up the same way by their parents & really dont know any better.

    just my 2 cents

  6. i am sorry but i really dont know the answer to that question, but the bad news is i hear that Taurus are really stubborn and once they make up their minds its practically impossivble to get them to change it, SO THEREFORE try harder, i think anything is possible so......   XOXOXOXOXO Hope this helps and God Bless

    - Snoop_bunny226

    *Email me if you have any more questions or concerns

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