
Extremly tinny black bugs in my bathroom?

by Guest34419  |  earlier

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I have a bunch of extremely tinny black insects/bugs in my bathroom and only in my bathroom... they don't move around much and tend to stay in moist areas. I have also seen one swim, or bounce around in water (but that was one out of many). they mostly hang around the floor near the bathtub. They are smaller then beetles and ants. they are basically little black dots that move. I hope someone can tell me what they are




  1. I think they are springtail bugs

    They are harmless and live in moist soil.  Do you have houseplants in the bathroom?


    They will live in any moist places, and that is why they are more likely to be found in the bathroom.

  2. Ive seen very small black/long bugs in the flor of my bathroom, I got no idea where they are and they tend to be in dark places, once you turn on the light they walk off. I think they are harmless, Ive never been bitten since they always walk away.

  3. see them -

  4. fleas?

  5. I don't know cause I can't see it. Don't you have any photos of it?

  6. seems like you're talking blackswimmers:

    Many of these species have adaptations to help in locomotion underwater. Look at those picture and see how they swim

  7. They are pest/gnats?  If you can,  try to control them as they will tend to multiply.

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