
Eye Check up making me CONFUSED?

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ei i had an 2 eye check up today

the first clinic says i have an astigmatism -0.75 and slight myopia -0.25

the second clinic says i have astigmatism -1.00

i dont know which one to believe in

what should i do? get more chekups to different clinics more?




  1. the difference between 0.75 and 1.00 is very hardly worth noticing- it's not an 'error' on either of their parts, just a matter of prescribing preference.

    You are wasting your money and their time by going getting another exam- one, not two, is more than enough.

  2. the difference from -0.75 to -1.00 is negligible.  Generally, I tend to correct the least amount that allows you to see clearly, so  I would go with the -0.75, but sometimes, that extra little bit is needed.

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