
Eye Floaters are doing my head in!?

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I have had floaters for abut 6 years, i am 23. They are worse in my left eye, but appear in both.

Sometimes i get blurred vision in my eyes but this goes away when i blink. I think the floaters cause it. Sometimes when i get a blurred vision episode i hold my eye open and look in the mirror and you can see the little stringy thing on my eye.

I always though it could be the mucus (sp?) that comes from the throat and nose.

I have been to eye doctor 3 times and once 6 years ago and i was said to have floaters and my eyes are fine.

It does my head in because i have a large Apple iMac and when i look at the screen all i see is these floaters flying round.

My eye problems from what i know (i went to theeye doctor 2 weeks ago) are large cupped optic disk (born with this), floaters and sensitive to light (i need to collect my tinted glasses today).

So annoying! Find it hard to read from the screen at times becausei can't concerntrate.




  1. If they're that bad, get a vitrectomy and clear vision.  No sense suffering with them for your entire life.

  2. I also have floater problems. They've got more frequent and numerous over the past couple of years (my prescription is -15.5 in both eyes), and are very distracting when I'm trying to read. Optician just says it's normal and nothing can be done.

  3. I've been seeing floaters since I was 11 years old because of extreme near sightedness. I am 21 years old now.  I actually like seeing them, all the cool shapes haha.  It really is not thing to worry about . You just have to make sure your eyes are dilated once a year, every year, to check for retinal detachment.  Also, watch out for flashes of light, this needs immediate attention because it can be a sign of retinal detachment.

  4. Floaters are inside your eye and there's no way that you would be able to see them by looking at your eye (like from the outside).  They are caused by part of the inside of your eye breaking away and the pieces float around in the liquid in your eye.  They don't come from your throat or nose.  Unfortunately, there isn't anything you can do about them.  If you have something else ON your eye (the stringy thing), that would not be a floater.  It may have just been an "eye booger," but if you get them a lot or if they bother you, I would bring it up with your optometrist and make sure that he or she knows that it is a concern that is different from your floaters.

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