
Eye Pain In One Eye - Help.?

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For the past two days, I've been getting some pain in my right eye only. Not the left, just the right.

It does not hurt when I look straight ahead. When I look at something to my left using my right eye it hurts a little. The pain comes from the right side of my right eye. The pain is in the same spot when I look up using my right eye and the same goes for the other directions. It isn't a sharp pain or an itching pain. Just a simple dull pain.

I am 23 years old and I do wear glasses. My last check up was about a year ago and everything was fine as far as testing goes. I don't get any blurry vision or see spots or anything like that.

What could this be?




  1. Maybe it's a migraine coming on, or exhaustion. I have pain in my right eye too- when I'm tired or getting a headache, which I also get on the right side...Never the left.

    Hope this helps.

  2. I don't know what's causing your pain, but I do know that migraines and brain nerves often affect just the right eye.  I normally have occassional sharp pains in my right eye, and when a dosage I take increases, it goes to two eyes, and when lowered, back to one eye. (wierd huh?) and right eye pain is definitely related to migraines..anyhow, the point is - because it is so interconnected with the brain - you should get it checked out - and you might be better checking with your normal physician than your eye doctor first - well, my an eye doctor first than a physician.  Sorry I"m no help. I hope you feel better. But definitely see a doctor. Eyes are too important to ignore.

  3. i don't know but i highly suggest a check up with your eye doctor very soon. goood luck

  4. You should be seen for your annual appointment anyway, so I recommend you call the optometrist.

  5. You might also want to consider a sinus infection. I have a lot of right eye pain because of sinus problems. Dry Eye will also produce pain, not always in both eyes. If its been a year, wouldn't hurt to see your eye doctor.

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